Saturday, March 5, 2011

OK, I Gotta Say This -- And YOU GOTTA Hear It!!

Does online shopping really make sense?  Until I began to try to BEST SERVE the needs of the COOLEST  shoppers, and researched the subject, my answer would have been "Sometimes."  I have changed that view to "Usually," or even "Almost always."  Why?  Well for one thing, you should be at my house when the U. S. Postal Service, among others, brings to my door what I used to chase all over four counties!!

In thinking about it there are a few things to consider.  But let's begin with a couple of the negative things to think about:

The number of households that fall victim to identity theft has been estimated at only 1.4%.  So our chances of being safe, maybe even without doing our best to stay safe, are 98.6%. wrote this good advice: "Consider using a two-way firewall, which blocks software that's on your computer from sending outgoing communications without your knowledge."  You can see all sorts of such firewalls starting on this page at the World's Coolest Stuff! store.  By the way, the store is powered by, one of the most trustworthy and secure shopping sites in the world.

What about the cost of shipping?  In the next paragraph I'll solve that problem neatly.  But first, yes, there are costs involved -- just as there are in shopping in stores!  Do your own math, if you want, but be sure to calculate ALL the money costs involved in shopping all over town -- then ADD the time and energy cost, quite often including getting ready to go out!  I even eat out more when I'm spending so much time shopping out there -- and you already know what that does to your wallet!! is (and I am) aggressively dedicated to serving your needs about every shopping issue -- including shipping -- and they are really coming through!  As for this blog, I haven't even scratched the surface of finding ALL the great places to shop, but I'm quite certain Amazon will remain at the top of the list (I'm doing my best to find 'em all for ya, but there are only so many hours!).  Some of you may not yet know about the NEW Amazon Prime program.  FREE 2-day shipping on unlimited ( ! ) no-minimum items ( ! ), and 1-day is only $3.99!!  Checked the price of gas lately?  How about the fact that you ROUTINELY spend $2.00 or more in gas to go get ONE item??!!  I can't think of much that I can't wait a day for!  And when I did the math on what I spend unnecessarily on shopping in a year, I 'bout CRIED!  Anyhow, I explained that program and pointed you to it in a recent article here.  The subscription cost is WAY less than you're spending now on ALL your UNNECESSARY* store-shopping!  My advice?  Save hundreds.  And show OPEC you mean business!

*What is NECESSARY store-shopping?  One phrase and another word: (1) gotta have it today, and (2) some perishables.  That's it.  Leave comments to argue with me.  Maybe you can set me straight, but fair warning, I have done the research, and I believe what I write!!  Just today, I helped Darrin, a friend, find a grocery product he hadn't been able to find in grocery stores.  With free shipping, he is getting a better price than he could get on the wrong thing in a grocery store!

Well, you must be tired of reading by now, so I'll close briefly.  Reasons to do online shopping (with ME, of course, since I am the one who is helping you out!!):
  • MUCH cheaper -- save LOTS for MUCH more important things
  • Save physical energy for MUCH more important things.  If you're a baby-boomer, this is important!!
  • Save time for MUCH more important things
  • Find things MUCH more quickly and easily
  • You are the best and most available customer service person you'll ever find
  • One-stop-at-the-laptop for every doo-dah thing on the doo-dah planet!
  • Knock yourself out finding the best bargains in the world, and the best places to trust in them (like HERE), saving TONS MORE money!
  • Greater convenience.  Really.
  • If you can't find it, let me know, and I will -- promise
  • SCREW Wal-Mart!!  I could make a small fortune sending people to them online; and it'll never happen.
There are many more reasons, but you have a brain.  And you'll discover them as you happily adopt the shopping strategies of the 21st Century.


Thanks so much for reading!  That's about it for today.  PLEASE HELP while you're here! You can support my FREE efforts on your behalf by clicking lots of (or all!) ads (it's VERY supportive even if you never find anything you want, or even really look!), sharing the site (top sharing link) or the post (after-each-post sharing link), leaving comments, "like"ing the post when I share it, leaving comments, "follow"ing, and spreading the word far and wide to all your people -- even by email. Have a great day enjoying the World's Coolest Stuff!